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Airman's Manual
Knowledge Test

Exam 5

1.  Of the following which is the correct posture for MOPP level 4?

     (A)  Overgarment, protective mask, hood, gloves, overboots and field gear worn.
     (B)  IPE available for immediate donning.
     (C)  Overgarment, protective mask, hood, overboots and field gear worn; gloves carried.
     (D)  Overgarment and field gear worn; overboots, mask and gloves carried.

2.  What level of Chemical decontamination involves M295 and 5% bleach?

     (A)  Operational
     (B)  Immediate
     (C)  Thorough
     (D)  None of the above

3.  A tourniquet may be loosened if bleeding appears to have stopped.

    (A)  True
    (B)  False

4.  Radiation sickness is contagious.

     (A)  True
     (B)  False

5.  If no other tool is available, you can use the tip of a round of ammo when adjusting the sights on your weapon.

     (A)  True
     (B)  False

6.  You should not replace the canister if it becomes wet as moisture improves the performance of the filter.

     (A)  True
     (B)  False

7.  If a vehicle is disabled by an IED, it is highly unlikely that it will be followed by a secondary attack.

     (A)  True
     (B)  False

8.  An expedient hazard marker with a "U" on it indicates what type of hazard?

     (A)  Biological
     (B)  Chemical
     (C)  Radiological
     (D)  UXO (unexploded ordnance)

9.  Most UXO's have a minimum lethal radius of ____ ft (____m).

     (A)  600 ft, 200 m
     (B)  300 ft, 100 m
     (C)  450 ft, 150 m
     (D)  100 ft, 30 m

10.  The fundamental purposes' of LOAC are to _____.

        (A)  Harm enemy personnel who surrender
        (B)  Prevent unnecessary suffering
        (C)  Maintenance of a well - disciplined military force
        (D)  A & C
        (E)  B & C

11.  If the United States has negotiated a Status of Forces Agreement with your host nation, then you are exempt from local laws and cannot be detained by local authorities.

       (A)  True
       (B)  False

12.  In a hot environment, hourly fluid intake should not exceed ____ quart(s).

       (A)  1/4
       (B)  1/2
       (C)  1
       (D)  1 1/4

13.  Which of the following is not one of the 4 R's used for UXO reporting?

       (A)  Record
       (B)  Retreat
       (C)  Redesign
       (D)  Recognize

14.  Because your Airman's manual is a controlled item, you will not be expected to have it with you when you deploy.

       (A)  True
       (B)  False

15.  The CPO (Chemical Protective Overgarment) has a _____ -day service life once removed from the factory sealed bag.

        (A)  180
        (B)  120
        (C)  45
        (D)  90

16.  The wash/wear life for an uncontaminated CPO (Chemical Protective Overgarment) is _____ launderings or _____ days, which ever comes first.

        (A)  12, 120
        (B)  10, 90
        (C)  6, 45
        (D)  5, 60

17.  When firing, it is best to focus on the front sight.

       (A)  True
       (B)  False

18.  When barricading a medium-size UXO, 3 to 10 inches in diameter, a wall thickness of four or five sandbags within 5 to 7 feet should surround the UXO and be at least ___ ft high.

        (A)  3
        (B)  10
        (C)  5
        (D)  12

19.  What are some of the actions you should take if you receive a telephone BOMB threat?

       (A)  Use AF Form 440, Bomb Threat Aid to document the call
       (B)  Do not hang up the phone after the caller ends the phone call
       (C)  Immediately report the incident to Security Forces
       (D)  A, B and C are actions you should take
       (E)  A and C are the only actions to take

20.  When preparing to deploy, you should not worry about becoming familiar with any host nation sensitivities because your deployed location commander will brief you when you arrive.

       (A)  True
       (B)  False

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