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CDC 4N151 Vol 2

Surgical Service Journeyman

by CMW
Version 4N151B-02-0808
Effective 12 August 2009

1. (201) A transparent structure that permits the eye to focus vision at different distances is the

a. lens

b. retina

c. sclera

d. cornea

2. (201) Which ocular rectus muscle abducts the eye?

a. Inferior

b. Lateral

c. Medial

d. Superior

3. (202) Depth perception and three-dimensional viewing is made possible by

a. refraction

b. reflection

c. binocular vision

d. monocular vision

4. (203) What structure is responsible for collecting the sound waves and directing them to the tympanic membrane?

a. Incus

b. Stapes

c. Auricle

d. Cochlea

5. (203) Which structures equalize the air pressure inside the middle ear with that of the atmosphere outside, and also connect the middle ear with the pharynx?

a. scala vestibuli

b. eustachian tubes

c. auditory ossicles

d. semi-circular canals

6. (204) The portion of the ear that contain receptors for equilibrium is the

a. auricle

b. inner ear

c. middle ear

d. tympanic membrane

7. (204) Which ear structure is responsible for maintaining static equilibrium?

a. Incus

b. Auricle

c. Mastoid

d. Vestibule

8. (204) What inner ear structure is involved in detecting dynamic equilibrium?

a. Auricle

b. Mastoid

c. Semicircular canals

d. Tympanic membrane

9. (205) The cells responsible for the sense of smell are known as

a. odoriferous

b. olfactory receptors

c. parosmic receptors

d. tactile receptors

10. (206) The sensory receptors located in the skin and mucous membranes are called

a. visceroceptors

b. proprioceptors

c. deep receptors

d. superficial receptors

11. (207) Which type of blood cells primarily fight infection?

a. Platelets

b. Leukocytes

c. Erythrocytes

d. Thrombocytes

12. (207) Which type of blood cells primarily aid in hemostasis and blood clotting?

a. Monocytes

b. Erythrocytes

c. Lymphocytes

d. Thrombocytes

13. (207) Patients with which blood types are considered universal recipients?

a. Type O

b. Type A

c. Type B

d. Type AB

14. (208) The apex, or bottom of the heart, is positioned in the mediastinum beneath the

a. sternum on the left side of the body

b. sternum on the right side of the body

c. second rib on the left side of the body

d. second rib on the right side of the body

15. (208) Venous blood returning from the body to the heart flows to which chamber of the heart?

a. Left atrium

b. Right atrium

c. Left ventricle

d. Right ventricle

16. (208) The major vessels that supply the heart with oxygenated blood are the

a. coronary veins

b. coronary arteries

c. pulmonary veins

d. pulmonary arteries

17. (208) The basic function of the heart is to

a. filter blood

b. pump blood

c. detoxify blood

d. oxygenate blood

18. (209) The vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called

a. veins

b. venules

c. arteries

d. capillaries

19. (210) The only arteries in the body that carry deoxygenated blood are the

a. uterine arteries

b. hepatic arteries

c. coronary arteries

d. pulmonary arteries

20. (210) Aortic bodies contain chemoreceptors that detect changes in

a. the rate of blood flow to the liver

b. the amount of pressure that is within the artery

c. oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations of the blood

d. oxygen and nutrients within the epithelial layer of the artery

21. (210) The veins that drain the head, neck and skull, and correspond to the common carotid arteries are

a. jugular veins

b. pulmonary veins

c. subclavian veins

d. brachiocephalic veins

22. (210) Unlike all other veins that take blood to the heart, the veins that drain the abdominal organs unite to form the portal vein, which takes the blood to the

a. brain

b. liver

c. lungs

d. stomach

23. (211) Blockage of the lymphatic capillaries would result in

a. fat cells entering the thymus

b. nutrients not entering the gallbladder

c. the tonsil becoming inflamed and swollen

d. lymph fluid not being able to enter the lymphatic system

24. (211) Except for the right upper quadrant, lymph from the entire body is collected by the

a. jugular trunk

b. lumbar trunk

c. thoracic duct

d. right lymphatic duct

25. (211) The main function of the lymphatic system is

a. restoring fluid to the blood circulation

b. defending the body against disease

c. absorbing lipids from the intestinal tract

d. maintaining osmotic pressures of tissue fluid and the blood

26. (212) Which upper respiratory structure is commonly referred to as the voicebox?

a. Larynx

b. Pharynx

c. Bronchus

d. Epiglottis

27. (212) The trachea and the lungs are connected by the

a. larynx

b. pharynx

c. bronchii

d. epiglottis

28. (212) The lungs are divided into

a. two lobes on the right, three on the left

b. two lobes on the left, three on the right

c. three lobes on the right, four on the left

d. three lobes on the left, four on the right

29. (213) Which type of gas exchange takes place in the lungs

a. Internal expiration

b. External expiration

c. Internal respiration

d. External respiration

30. (214) The digestive tract is also called the

a. small intestine

b. large intestine

c. esophagus

d. alimentary canal

31. (214) The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is called the

a. perineum

b. peristalsis

c. periosteum

d. peritoneum

32. (214) Which is a function of the serosa layer of the alimentary canal?

a. Protection

b. Absorption

c. Elimination

d. Transportation

33. (215) How many permanent teeth are normally in the adult mouth?

a. 20

b. 24

c. 28

d. 32

34. (215) Which is not a type of salivary gland?

a. parotid

b. adrenal

c. sublingual

d. submandibular

35. (216) The tube that connects the pharynx with the stomach is the

a. colon

b. trachea

c. bronchus

d. esophagus

36. (216) Which sphincter muscles prevent gastric juices and food particles from regurgitating into the esophagus while peristalsis takes place in the stomach?

a. Cystic

b. Pyloric

c. Cardiac

d. Ileocecal

37. (216) The external serous layer of the stomach, which extends from the stomach to other abdominal organs, cushioning the intestines and acting as a storage place for fat, is the

a. rugae

b. vesicles

c. omentum

d. gastric pits

38. (217) Which part of the small intestine is the smallest and receives food from the stomach?

a. Colon

b. Ileum

c. Cecum

d. Duodenum

39. (217) Which structure is not a section of the large intestine?

a. Ileum

b. Colon

c. Cecum

d. Rectum

40. (218) The common bile duct is formed by the union of the cystic

a. artery and hepatic duct

b. artery and cystic duct

c. duct and hepatic duct

d. duct and hepatic vein

41. (218) Which accessory digestive organ detoxifies harmful substances such as the end products of protein digestion?

a. Liver

b. Ileum

c. Pancreas

d. Gallbladder

42. (218) When cholesterol precipitates out of a concentrated bile solution,

a. enzymes and nucleases are produced

b. secretin is released from the pancreas

c. blockage of the pancreatic duct occurs

d. gallstones are likely to form in the gallbladder

43. (219) Normally, most hormones affect cells by

a. initiating phagocytosis

b. initiating cellular reproduction

c. dissolving the cells’ membrane and nucleus

d. stimulating or inhibiting the cells’ metabolic rate

44. (220) The general location of the thyroid gland is

a. just below the larynx

b. on top of each kidney

c. next to the duodenum

d. between the cerebral hemisphere

45. (220) The adrenal glands are located

a. just below the larynx

b. on top of each kidney

c. next to the duodenum

d. between the cerebral hemisphere

46. (220) Which endocrine gland is responsible for the secretion of insulin?

a. Pineal

b. Adrenal

c. Thyroid

d. Pancreas

47. (221) A main functional organ of the urinary system is the

a. gonad

b. uterus

c. kidney

d. scrotum

48. (221) The renal artery, the renal vein, lymph vessels, nerves, and a ureter all enter the kidney through the

a. hilum

b. cortex

c. medulla

d. nephrons

49. (222) The kidney produces urine through the processes of reabsorption and

a. filtration

b. cortex

c. medulla

d. nephrons

50. (222) Indirectly, the kidneys help regulate blood pressure by regulating

a. blood volume

b. synaptic activity

c. heart contraction

d. pituitary secretions

51. (223) The structure that transports urine from the kidney to the bladder is the

a. hilum

b. ureter

c. urethra

d. pituitary secretions

52. (223) What adult urinary structure has the ability to greatly distend and expand to hold approximately 500 milliliters?

a. Ureter

b. Kidney

c. Urethra

d. Bladder

53. (223) Which is not a true statement concerning the male urethra?

a. Is divided into three sections

b. Serves in the reproductive system

c. Is approximately 1 ½ inches long

d. Serves to drain the bladder of urine

54. (224) The testes are suspended by scrotal tissue and

a. semen

b. the urethra

c. round ligaments

d. the spermatic cords

55. (224) Which is not an internal accessory organ of the male reproductive system?

a. Penis

b. Epididymis

c. Vas deferens

d. Ejaculatory duct

56. (224) Which penile structure is removed in an operation called a circumcision?

a. Bulb

b. Glans

c. Prepuce

d. Smegma

57. (225) Which activity does not normally involve the propelling of sperm and other secretions into the urethra?

a. Ejaculation

b. Emission

c. Erection

d. Orgasm

58. (225) Which structure does not produce and secrete hormones that control male sexual development and activity?

a. Testes

b. Pituitary

c. Pancreas

d. Hypothalamus

59. (225) Which hormone is secreted by the male gonads?

a. Testosterone

b. Luteinizing hormone

c. Follicle-stimulating hormone

d. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone

60. (226) Ligaments attach the ovaries of the pelvic cavity ad the

a. uterus

b. bladder

c. omentum

d. diaphragm

61. (226) The oocyte is transported from the ovary to the uterus by the

a. ureter

b. urethra

c. fallopian tubes

d. round ligament

62. (226) In a virginal vagina, the vaginal orifice is partially covered by a thin membrane called the

a. hymen

b. clitoris

c. perineum

d. endometrium

63. (227) In addition to estrogen, which hormone is produced by the ovaries?

a. Adrenaline.

b. Testosterone

c. Progesterone

d. Gonadotropine

64. (227) Fertilization of the ovum normally occurs in the

a. ovary

b. uterus

c. placenta

d. fallopian tubes

65. (228) Human gestation is commonly referred to as

a. infany

b. pregnancy

c. fertilization

d. menstruation


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